It need not be a big project. We like to bring our experience also into small projects. Below you can find a selection.



Year               Project                                              Location                                      Field of activity
2013 Heating Plant Vienna Inspection and restructuring proposal
2013 Vitrification for hoist Gramatneusiedl Calculation of vitrification
2013 Roofing Petrol Station Himberg Static and constructive work of roofing
2012 Inventory of damages to a bridge Sollenau Survey report for preservation of the status quo
2012 Pedestrian Bridges Fischamend Inspection of existing bridges
2012 Municipal Office Fischamend Inspection of wooden ceiling
2012 Private House Vienna Inspection engineer according to Vienna Architectural Control
2012 Private House Fischamend Preservation of evidence before building activity
2012 Private Mausoleum Vienna Expertise for implementation of metal roofing
2012 Heightening and Roof System Vienna Static and contructive work of roofing